Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And The Orthopedic Doctor Says...

...I'm out for the rest of the school year. In 3 months I should be "ok", it'll take 6-12 months to heal. Skiing next season isn't out of the question.

The folks at school are looking for a long-term sub. I have some tests coming for me to grade tomorrow, but after that I don't know what I can do.


  1. Oh, my. That sounds hardcore. I can't imagine trying to deal with that - physically, emotionally, or professionally.

    Best wishes.

  2. I think the "physically and emotionally" are going to be the easiest parts to deal with. The people at school are doing a great job carrying my extra load--right now they're working on getting a long-term sub for me.

  3. I am sorry you are hurt. The hardest part is getting back in the swim of things after the fact. Well I guess this, and your relative immobility, will give you plenty of time to blog. Blogosphere, beware!

  4. PeggyU10:33 PM

    That sucks. Need books?

  5. I just got my "learn and speak Icelandic" book from the library, on loan from another library, today. Since the doctor said I can still take my Iceland trip in August, I want to be able to at least say please, thank you, excuse me, etc. in the native language. I think it's only respectful.

  6. Damn dude! Sorry to hear about your encounter with the sticks and snow.....

    Skiing is one way I haven't injured myself....and I plan to keep it that way. Am safe from snow down here in the desert....

    Anyhow, I hope things head toward normalcy soon. Follow the Dr's orders and what your body is telling you....I'd guess you can go to graduation in a month or so...

    I know you don't watch TV....maybe subscribe to XM or Sirus Radio....? keep us posted.

  7. I have no desire to go to graduation, but I'm very interested in getting back to school before finals and telling my kids good-bye.
