Tuesday, March 01, 2011

When You Live In The Sacramento Valley, You Pay Attention To This Kind Of Information

From the Tahoe Daily Tribune:
Hydrologists from the state Department of Water Resources took manual and electronic readings for the third time this winter and they found that water content in the Sierra snowpack is 124 percent of normal for this time of year...

The snowpack, which provides about one-third of the water for California through its runoff, dictates how much water will be delivered to farms and cities through the rest of the year. The state estimated it will be able to deliver 60 percent of the water requested.

And from the major Sacramento newspaper:
Water releases from Folsom Dam into the American River will more than triple over the next two hours to make room for the next wet storm moving into the Sacramento region.


  1. So we're in a drought right? There will be water rationing this summer for sure....yes I read the water is 124% of normal or what have you but just wait and see, there will be shortages...gotta love CA.

  2. I wonder if the water will be turned on for the farms in the Central Valley. Will there be enough for that freakin' fish?

  3. lol yes the fish the smelt or what have you...starve the humans save the fish.

  4. PeggyU3:32 PM

    Install a cistern, Darren! They are expensive, but not as hideous as you might think.
