Monday, March 07, 2011

ROTC Survey at Columbia

From Inside Higher Ed:
Sixty percent of the students polled at Columbia University support a return of the Reserve Officer Training Corps to their campus, according to a report submitted Friday to the University Senate by a special Task Force on Military Engagement...

The task force, which was composed of five students and four faculty members, also summed up weeks of e-mailed comments it received and provided transcripts to three public meetings on the subject (one of which was the source of controversy). The results of the latest vote, in the wake of the repeal in December of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that barred gay servicemen and women from serving, differed from the last such survey taken at Columbia in 2008. A referendum that year revealed that 49 percent of students favored a return of ROTC to campus.

The fate of the program now rests with a vote of the 108-member University Senate sometime during the next two months.

I'm exceedingly curious how the University Senate will vote.


  1. Darren

    I see what you're saying but I'm curious about one thing. After the experience of Anthony Maschek at Columbia, which is wrong? Were the people screaming at this wounded warrior a "rent a mob"?...or is this a push poll?

  2. There was not enough information in the story for me to draw any conclusions about the validity of the poll. Internet poll=Survey Monkey? I don't know.
