Monday, March 14, 2011

Of Course I Still Support Nuclear Power

Gotta love these snippets from an Instapundit post:

They should also explain where the energy is going to come from if we can’t drill for oil, can’t burn coal, can’t dam streams, can’t put windmills where they might spoil a Kennedy’s view, and can’t build nukes. Vague allusions to “green power” don’t count...

Reader Andrew Medina says we’re lucky to face nuclear-plant problems, because if the tsunami had hit a solar farm instead, “10,000’s of Lbs of lead and cadmium telluride would have been swept into the Sea of Japan poisoning just about everything.”
So far, the 40-year-old technology in Japan seems to be holding, despite an 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami. Newer designs are even inherently safer, especially if we build them in areas away from major fault lines.


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I didn't actually hear anything racist in Alexandra Wallace's UCLA video. I really think it's overblown... what do you think?

  2. Not sure what you're talking about, or how this relates to nuclear power.

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    It doesn't really -- I was just hoping to interest you to write about the story, as I'm curious what you think and wasn't sure else to post, but I figured you'd check the comments in a recent post =P
