Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mainstream Press Still Ignoring Lefties' Death Threats

And it doesn’t stop there. John Nolte at Big Government has put together a compilation of the last three weeks of left-wing threats and bullying in Wisconsin. It’s getting so bad that honest liberals (no, it’s not an oxymoron) like Lee Stranahan are fed up with the media ignoring these threats. “Don’t retreat, reload” is considered violent rhetoric if a conservative says it, but “I’m going to kill you” isn’t considered violent rhetoric if a liberal says it. I keep trying not to attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, but are all these big-brained reporters really that inept?

Read more:

That civility thing sure lasted a long time, huh?


  1. And it's just a joke for a constituent to ask Republican Rep Paul Broun "who is going to shoot Obama?" So, there was no reason to condemn such words because, you know, it's just rhetoric.

  2. It was widely reported and widely condemned.

  3. But it was said, on the right, and only condemned after reported by the those lefties in the liberal media.

  4. Exactly. They reported that, and it was *roundly* condemned--even by righties, and correctly so.

    So rather than engaging in "they do it too" when there is no equivalence, why not comment on why these people on the left feel so free to issue death threats?

  5. I note it simply because you're so unwilling to acknowledge that "they do it too."

    "These people on the left so willing ..."


  6. There's not an equivalence here. The volume on the left dwarfs that coming from the right, and it's dishonest to suggest otherwise.

  7. There are certain factions on the Left that are so entrenched in their agenda that they will not be appeased until someone is hurt. And even then they will blame the victim. It happens in courts across the nation every day.

  8. No, it's myopic and naive to see one side's politics as more or less moral/immoral than the other. The ideologues and the politics are the problems in America today. The people of the center see the blame shared equally and are quite weary of keeping score. And while you have a lot of great, and often pragmatic, insight on the issues, you are far too focused on blaming the Democrats for the majority of the problems in society.

    That said, I think you host a pretty honest and fair open forum.

  9. If the righties were acting like this, it would be nonstop news. But they're not, so it isn't. But to pretend that the left isn't acting like this--heck, even the HuffPo columnist sees the bias! Freakin' Huffington Post! At least *someone* there has some integrity.

  10. If the righties were ....

    Still playing the one-sided victim angle. That's the problem.

  11. You keep saying that, Mazenko, but you don't refute that those on the left are letting the death threats fly and you and your friends on the left are choosing to ignore them. Why?

  12. Left Coast Ref5:58 PM

    Here's a little video for ya...
