Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm Sure Our Cadets Are Excited About This

From the Poughkeepsie Journal:

Michelle Obama will address West Point cadets at a banquet just prior to their graduation.

The May 20 visit will be Obama's first visit to the U.S. Military Academy. Commencement exercises are the next day. It also will be the first address by a first lady to the cadet corps in at least 20 years, according to school spokesman Francis DeMaro.


  1. Darren

    As i recall in 93 when then President Clinton went to West Point the cadets were ordered to applaud the man...I wonder what the OPORD will say now.

  2. That's pretty snotty, D.

  3. mazenko, what is snotty? The fact the cadets were ordered to applaud Clinton, the fact Mrs Obama will address them, the fact Darren posted on Michelle or that I remembered on Clinton in 93?
