Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Make A Teacher's Week

Out of the blue this evening I received the following email from a former student. It made not just my day, but my entire week. If you're not a teacher you might not understand this, but we live and die for emails like this one:

I wanted to send you an email to not only thank you but let you know how over-prepared I was for "College Algebra" a.k.a. Math 111 a.k.a. the most failed class at the University of Oregon. Going into the class I didn't think i would have a very hard time because I tend to enjoy math. I was surprised to find out that an entire ten weeks was based on functions and logarithms.

I just finished my first week of Math 112, the succeeding class, and am happy to tell you the extra credit assignment for the weekend is to complete the unit circle! As I was sitting among my classmates who struggled to understand the concept of arc length, I realized how lucky I was to have such great instruction in pre cal. Though I still haven't declared my major, I am seriously considering majoring in Physics, which will obviously require knowledge of these concepts for the rest of my life. Thank you so much providing this knowledge to me, I wouldn't ever want you to think it goes unappreciated.

Hope you're enjoying the springtime weather!

Life is good.


  1. Yeah! Wonderful letter.

  2. The best ones I get say "I made prisoner of the week at county jail thanks to you " :)

    Great letter man...when someone credits you for such a challenge it's gotta be fantastic!

  3. Anonymous4:22 AM

    My HS math teachers were also top-notch. Made college Calculus easy. Well ok, Calculus is hard, but easier than it would have been without a solid algebra/geometry/trigonometry foundation.

    WTG Darren! Now... umm.. .what was 2+2 again? lol

  4. Aww, Darren, enjoy the sunshine and the accolades! :)

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Love love love it!!!!
    Mrs. Chanman

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Great teachers are like gold. I had a Math teacher (Mr. T. Thomas, aka "Hank") who made us do the math for the Apollo moon landing back in 1969. It was a real buzz to know that even we 16-year-olds could handle most of the math and all of the physics concepts with little difficulty and it was FUN!

  7. PeggyU12:27 AM

    I had a great math teacher too. :) It makes all the difference, apparently, in the attitude toward math.

    Wish I could say my kids' experience had been as good.

  8. Nice!! We don't often get thanks, savor it!

  9. Both hands clapping. Congrats!
