Friday, March 04, 2011

Getting Your Kid Into College

Here's one dad's story:

The admissions process, as Andrew Ferguson puts it in his new book, “Crazy U,” entangles not just our pocketbooks but everything else that, besides world peace and cocktail hour, matters to parents: “our vanities, our social ambitions and class insecurities, and most profoundly our love and hopes for our children.”

Mr. Ferguson is a senior editor at The Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine, and he’s a valiant guide through this emotional territory...

“Crazy U” is a chronicle of Mr. Ferguson’s attempts to help place his son, who is 16 when this mini-odyssey begins, in a decent college. Mr. Ferguson’s boy (he is never named) is only an average student, and his father fears for him in a process that’s become a nationwide talent hunt favoring teenage extroverts and self-marketers. “I wasn’t sure,” he writes, “my son had the personality for it.” He means that as a compliment.

1 comment:

  1. There are far too many wealthy kids who are only in college because their parents can pay. They live out their eligibility or get academic probation and then what? Even a decent locksmith makes as much as a high school history teacher. If a kid isn't academically inclined, then seek other avenues. The idea that we even have remedial classes in colleges speaks to a type of nanny state mentality that should not persist.
