Sunday, March 06, 2011

Diversity and Multiculturalism

From American Thinker:
It's important to distinguish between diversity and multiculturalism, which are often lumped together in liberal orthodoxy. Diversity is inherently good; but multiculturalism too often leads to separation and resentment that foments extremism.

Hear hear. Let's continue.

True diversity goes beyond quotas or controversial agenda-driven calls to promote this group or that. It's a sincere effort to incorporate diverse skills, to encourage various problem-solving methods and to harness disparate talents towards solving complex problems. This kind of diversity is indeed axiomatic in a democratic society, standing alongside such precious tenets as freedom of speech, the rule of law and equal rights.

But like a parasite sucking the blood from its host, multiculturalism often latches onto the righteous aims of true diversity. Indeed, many organizational mission statements cannot separate the two, presenting them as corollaries amidst flowery platitudes about values. But whereas true diversity promotes cohesion, multiculturalism too often divides us.

I'm willing to listen to arguments from the other side, but I'll admit to not having heard a strong one yet.

1 comment:

  1. One related thought that I have is what I call the "paradox of diversity". Usually when people speak of diversity at a college for example it means they want a representative sample of various ethnic groups. What nobody seems to think about is that in the long run we end up creating a syncretic culture that is less diverse. If you want diversity you need to isolate people.

    This is not a value judgement on my part, but rather an observation.
