Friday, February 25, 2011

Killing The Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs?

This district is just down the road from where I live. I don't know how these people think the district is going to close its budget gap:

The Natomas Unified School District's effort to avoid bankruptcy and a state takeover suffered a setback when the district's classified employees rejected a tentative agreement regarding furlough days.

The district announced that the membership of the California School Employees Association Chapter No. 745, which represents non-teaching employees, rejected the tentative agreement that the association's negotiating team reached with the district Jan. 11.
Ignoring the problem won't make it go away.


  1. allen (in Michigan)6:46 AM

    It'd hardly be the first time a union cut off its nose to spite its face. Not common since, generally, an adult can rescue the situation but sometimes the juvenile hotheads hold onto control until the situation goes beyond redemption.

  2. Reminds me...I was in one of my Master's courses and a local district- one of the larger ones in CA- was having major budget cuts (gasp) and so we discussed how to lessen the blow. I suggested teachers take a 3 - 5% pay cut across the board. Well, teachers, admin, etc. I was told that a) the union would never allow this b) they couldn't live on that salary. (I work at a non-union school making at least 10% less than they and I survive...) So I said that this meant that teachers with up to 5 years experience would be let go and have no income, how horrible! So by not taking the 3-5% cut they would watch co-workers lose their jobs and family income...wouldn't they rather have a pay cut? They said no. They'd rather some teachers lose their jobs. I about jumped out of my skin in anger. How selfish!
