Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back From Skiing A Little Early

The friend I went with wasn't feeling so great; in fact, he came in a couple hours before I did yesterday. Didn't feel up to skiing at all today, and since I didn't go up there to ski alone, we had a leisurely morning and then headed back to Sacramento--stopping by the Boa Vista Orchards in Apple Hill on the way back for some much needed hot cider and snackies.

I'll post a few pictures in awhile.

Update, 2/24/11: Pics! Click on them to enlarge.

Heavenly Valley's gondola, within walking distance (even in ski boots) of the casinos at the stateline.

View from the top, looking west.

View from the top towards Carson City. Friend sneaks into the shot again!

Heading back down at the end of the day.

The four casinos at Stateline.

From left to right: Harvey's, Harrah's, Horizon, and Montbleu (formerly Caesar's Tahoe). We stayed at Harvey's. You can pretty much see the stateline (to the left/south) in this picture.

At 111 mb, the panoramic video I took would take about forever to load....


  1. I heard the Kings may be leaving Sacramento. I certainly hope not. They were a favorite team of mine back in the Chris Webber, Jay W., and Vlade Divac.

  2. They've been making this threat forever.

    If staying requires government money, then I hope they go fast enough such that the door doesn't hit them in the butt on the way out. Supporting sports teams financially is *not* a legitimate function of government.

  3. PeggyU4:56 PM

    My daughter loves their cider. Will have to go there when we visit for her graduation :) .
