Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why I Didn't Blog Today

Update, 1/30/11: Here is a larger, clearer version of the video.


  1. I love San Francisco (in spite of her faults)

  2. And let's be honest, those faults are legion. But yes, it's physically beautiful.

  3. I've never been there.
    Nice video, did you shoot this?

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    You should try a Segway tour of Angel Island. The views are beautiful, and I think they still have a 2 for 1 special on Tuesdays.

  5. Did you go back to the hotel and up the elevator...I took my friend Jim up there and a few other victims...

  6. I did shoot the video, and I didn't go to the St. Francis to ride the glass elevators this time.

  7. San Francisco is the proverbial love to visit, don't want to live there city. I've been there three times which is pretty good for a guy who live over 2000 miles away. The first time was in 1978 when I rode my motorcycle from Knoxville, TN to San Francisco and back visiting family and friends on the way, in San Francisco. I recommend riding across the country for everyone just so you'll know the meaning of the word "continent."

  8. The place is a nuthouse, but man do I love the City.

    You ride the St. Francis elevators too, huh? One of my favorite free activities!

    Great video. Were the panoramic views from Twin Peaks?

  9. Yes I do, and yes they were :)
