Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who's the Bigot?

Am I surprised this is from NPR? No.

It's painfully ironic that a gay Latino man came to the aid of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the storm of gunfire. Daniel Hernandez, an intern with the congresswoman, ran to Rep. Giffords and helped to stop the bleeding. If a judge hadn't blocked provisions of Arizona's SB 1070 law, the intern's surname would have easily qualified him as a target for police under different circumstances on Saturday.

She conflates "immigrants" with "illegal immigrants", and says that only after she knew he wasn't Hispanic could she read the rest of the news stories on the shooting. Can you take seriously anything this woman says, with sloppiness and bigotry like that?


  1. I saw the same thing on the Huffington Post's site about how police could question his status because of his last name.
    But under Arizona's controversial anti-immigration law, SB 1070, those with Hispanic names -- like the Mexican-American Hernandez, who is a naturalized citizen -- could be asked for papers if a police officer reasonably suspects the person is in the country illegally, a determination the law largely leaves to the officer's discretion.

    Just a little slanted? Funny thing is that some of the liberals on the HP site even called them out for posting a "what if" story like this.

  2. Scott McCall5:58 PM

    Um.....where did she hear he was gay? No one has questioned his sexual preference, and it hasn't come up on any news source.....

    For the record, I was at the service last night, and he and the president both had amazing speeches.

  3. Who really cares if he's gay? And that's the only reference I've seen as well.

  4. Tells you a lot about this particular NPR reporter, doesn't it?

  5. Remind me once again why we pay for NPR when it appears their main agenda is to support Obama at every turn.
