Sunday, January 16, 2011

Local Boy Protests College Tuition

From the SF Chronicle:

While tuition increases in Britain prompted violent protests last month, rising college fees rarely elicit more than shrugs among most students in the United States.

But on Friday, a sophomore at the University of Colorado, Boulder, found a symbolic way to strike back.

The student, Nic Ramos, paid his entire spring semester tuition - all $14,309.51 of it - using dollar bills, a 50-cent piece and a penny...

According to a university spokesman, Bronson Hilliard, it took three people nearly an hour to count the money.

While tuition at the university has risen in recent years, it has not increased for Ramos. Being from Sacramento, he pays the out-of-state rate, which has remained the same for all four years.

Hat tip to NewsAlert.

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