Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Higher Education Cuts On The Table In California

Schwarzenegger couldn't get away with something like this, but since Brown has a capital D after his name, suggestions like this are not only not challenged, they're considered either inevitable or even desirable:

While last budget season, California's public universities were the only major area of government to see an increase in state funding, higher education is now in line to take a big hit – 16 percent if Gov. Jerry Brown's budget proposal comes to pass.

Brown on Monday proposed cutting $500 million each from the University of California and the California State University systems and another $400 million from community colleges. The announcement came as no surprise to college leaders, who say the newly elected governor told them last month to brace for reductions.
Curious how the CTA reacts to this news? They ignore it:

David A. Sanchez, president of the 325,000-member California Teachers Association, released this statement about Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget:

“We commend the governor for taking a balanced approach to solving the state’s staggering budget deficit. Extending the current revenues is critical to trying to maintain any public education system in this state at all.

“We appreciate the governor trying to limit cuts to education. As he pointed out, K-12 education has ‘borne the brunt’ of the state's budget cuts, with more than $18 billion in cuts over the last three years, resulting in larger class sizes, program cuts and over 30,000 educator layoffs. Our schools are in a state of financial emergency and this budget does not restore any of that much-needed funding. In fact, the $2 billion deferral of K-12 funding and the cuts to higher education will impact students. CSU and UC students have seen triple-digit fee increases, pricing many students out of a college education.

“We look forward to examining the details of the budget proposal and working with the governor and the Legislature on a budget package that includes revenues to prevent further devastation to our students and schools. Without continuing existing revenues, public education would be looking at another $2.3 billion in cuts, according to the Department of Finance. That is not the future we want for our students. They deserve much better.”

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