Monday, January 31, 2011

From The "I Wish I Were Surprised, But I'm Not" File...

What could I possibly add to this Instapundit post?

IT’S AS IF ALL THAT “NEW CIVILITY” TALK WAS JUST A PLOY TO SHUT DOWN DEBATE: “Showing no concern for the new civility push that followed the Arizona massacre, a group of leftist activists from groups including Code Pink, Common Cause and jewel of liberal think tanks, the Center for American Progress, turned into a loud mob complete with Nazi imagery outside a conservative gathering in Rancho Mirage, California.”

UPDATE: Say, you think some enterprising reporter will ask Obama or a spokesman whether the President condemns this sort of behavior? No, me neither.


  1. now Darren, you should know that it's ok because they are right and everyone else is wrong. So they are protecting us from hearing hate speech...geeze

  2. Darren, you didn't seriously think that admonishment was meant for anyone on the left did you? Of course it was designed to quiet debate.
