Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Anthropogenic Global Warming Is A Hoax

Some may sincerely believe in it, but not only do I not, I agree with this author that it is, in fact, a hoax:

I've encountered some folks who appear offended by the title of my new book Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax. Why do you call it a "hoax"? they ask. Why not refer to the matter as a debate? The reason is quite simple: A debate describes a discussion in which participants competitively argue opposing points of view that are assumed to be based upon honest positions.

A hoax is a deceptive act intended to hoodwink people through deliberate misinformation, including factual omissions. My book is about the latter. (And by the way, it can be ordered through primary vendors, and is currently being featured on "new releases" tables at 200 major Barnes and Noble stores.)

The central lie is that we are experiencing a known human-caused climate crisis, a claim based on speculative theories, contrived data and totally unproven modeling predictions. And the evidence? Much is revealed by politically corrupted processes and agenda-driven report conclusions rendered by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which are trumpeted in the media as authoritative gospel.

And that's just the opening salvo.


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Ahhh yes.. its is all a massive conspiracy to uphold a hoax. Just like evolutionary biology. And of course, it is pure coincidence that it is right wing Americans who are at the vanguard of both creationism and climate change denial.

  2. Is that an example of an ad hominem attack? I ask because I don't see a single piece of substantiating evidence in there. Not that I'd probably buy "anonymous'" so-called evidence, anyway.

  3. God forbid the Global Warming...err I mean Climate Change alarmists actually read some of the science...

  4. As in all scams...follow the money.
