Thursday, December 02, 2010

Weight Loss Update

I've officially plateaued. After losing 22 pounds in 3 months, I haven't lost anything in the last month. Maybe I should congratulate myself on not gaining anything during Thanksgiving week, but holding steady is not my goal. I'm still about 8 pounds from my interim goal, and 18 pounds from my final goal.

I gave myself till the end of the school year, so hope is not yet lost.

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up. Heck I was able to gain an extra notch on my belt and was feeling good. Then I got sick had Thanksgiving and got sick again and not only did I lose the one notch, I managed to lose another one. So I am in a bigger hole than I was a month ago.

    Be glad you haven't gained any weight and I bet you are feeling like you have more energy and probably aren't getting sick as much.

    I will start up the workouts again on Saturday hopefully.
