Sunday, December 05, 2010

I Wonder If The Teacher Really Slapped The Kid?

This is one angry, racist, crazy mother.


  1. Call me crazy, but I believe it happened. I also believe there was more going on than her beautiful son Curtis (copyright) admitted. Then again, that is one crazy racist mother.

  2. I don't know if it happened or not. Unfortunately, the mother, in her angst whether justified or not, has created a situation where the teacher cannot get a fair hearing in the district or the court. Like it or not, the teacher has rights too. The way this particular letter goes on and on leads me to believe there is a very big backstory regarding this student and his interactions with teachers in classroom situations. I think this is an attempt to extort money from the teacher and the district probably with the aid of someone who knows just a little bit about the law. If the teacher did it, shame on her. But if this is just another trumped up hoax a al Tawana Brawley, then shame on the people who perpetrated this fraud.

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Even if this happened, the crazy in this demand letter trumps any reality that people would have otherwise been able to see. Pretty funny, though. What a delusional ____! :)

  4. scott mccall7:54 PM

    my head hurts after reading that

  5. Darren, I live in the Kansas City area and can tell you there are PADDLING procedures outlined in the student handbook and they DO restrain children to chairs and confine them to closets in Missouri. It's NOT an ideal place to send a child, whatever the mental state of his parent. But she sounds sooo nuts that I would tend to doubt the rest of the report.

    IT IS TRUE, though, that if you call social services about a teacher's conduct here that they will DO NOTHING. They refer those calls to the superintendent by state law. I've spoken with social services about things in the past and was told that in the future I should call anyway. No school likes a paper trail. Just FYI.

  6. The woman copyrighted her son and called him her "property" - who's the racist?

    She wants trips to Disney and D.C.? (There's a joke there, somewhere.) A new car - her choice? For a slap - with no marks or bruises - to her son, who was admittedly horseplaying in the hall?

    She needs to stop listening to Louie Farakahn.
