Friday, December 31, 2010

Extreme Climate Forecasts

If you choose to believe that we're headed towards a man-made apocalypse because of greenhouse gases, there's probably not much I can say that would change your mind. But for those of you who might still need some more evidence, check out these predictions--about events that by now have supposed to have taken place. My favorite of the list:

"In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day, 1970

I'm not letting you off the hook if you want to disavow Paul Ehrlich (of Population Bomb fame). He's a biggie, and has been for over 40 years.


  1. Wow, let's just look at a couple off the top of my head for Fox cherry-picking or looking like idiots:
    #3: Polar ice is retreating, the best they have is "Not as much as he said it would!"
    #4: if their citation is "Associated Press" with no actual author or reference to a particular spokesman or study? GMAFB!
    #5: Yes, that was the prediction Before the Clean Air Act was passed! Thank you Fox, for showing what a bunch of know-nothings you are

    and then we have a bunch of individuals with an agenda to push (and books to sell). Might as well pull out Alvin Toffler's _Future Shock_ and see how well that predicted the Information Age. Oh, or we could pull "Top Ten Quotes" about the Bush administration's statements on the Economy, Home Ownership, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Trade with China, ...

  2. Clearly I've struck a nerve with a global warming adherent. Mission Accomplished :-)

  3. I'm not sure which part of facts confuses you... CO2 levels have gone up, CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Temperatures are rising, ocean acidity is increasing. Glaciers and ice caps are retreating. You can stick your fingers in your ears and shout "LA LA LA" all you like, it doesn't change facts.

  4. For starters, CO2 levels *lag* behind temperature increases, but you seem to be the one who doesn't like facts. Thanks for playing.

  5. allen (in Michigan)9:12 PM

    And CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, at least not at the levels found in the atmosphere. It takes a significantly higher concentration of CO2 to have much impact on the atmosphere's infrared transmissivity then the parts-per-million levels.

  6. Mr Bill...if you are so concerned about CO2 levels, stop breathing.
