Wednesday, December 08, 2010

El Gordo No Mas

This morning I fit nicely into a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear for a couple of years now. I've kept a half dozen or so pairs in the closet, taunting me, and now they taunt no more. My weight now fluctuates between 22 and 25 pounds lost since the end of July. Progress has slowed significantly since those heady days of August and September, but I will. not. yield. My weight loss motto is now "el gordo no mas".


  1. great job. Keep it up. And speaking from experience, it's very easy to let those lost pounds find their way home back to you. After initially losing 80+ pounds 4 years ago, almost half are back on. Your story is inspiring and depressing at the same time :-) thanks.

  2. Congrats Darren! And, you're doing it the RIGHT way. Taking it off slowly with an emphasis on exercise. Stay strong through the holidays!!
