Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stopping The Portland Bomber

No one had to get felt up to go see the Christmas tree lighting in Portland, and still the would-be bomber was caught. Maybe the FBI should take over airport screening.


  1. Yet another practicioner of the religion of peace, wanting only to spread the true meaning of Islam . . . at least, the vast majority of moderate, peace-loving Muslims have risen up to condemn his actions. What? they haven't? huh . . . that comes as a shock to me, because they're usually right there to -- you mean they don't? Well, I understand, it happens so frequently, but still -- you'd think they'd have some boilerplate worked out by now -- you know, something like "We hereby denounce the actions of Mahamoud (fill in blank) in the (bombingmical attack/random shooting (circle one) of the citizens/passengers (circle one) of (fill in blank). As you know, Islam is a peaceful religion, and the vast majority of Muslims in no way agree with the actions of Mahamoud (fill in the blank).

    Imams -- feel free to use my form.

  2. Didn't need to go to Iraq or Afghanistan or tap anyone's phone or email or library records either.

  3. that should read "bombing/chemical attack/random shooting. Somehow, it got truncated.

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Actually, they did tap his email.

  5. Not what I read. They set up contacts that he sought ought and led him to believe he was working with jihadists. There was no FISA court-style surveillance.

  6. Just to follow up - the government did begin tracking his email after they received a tip about his behavior and began to investigate and make contact. That is different than the widescale "fishing" to which I was referring.

  7. "PORTLAND: Saved in spite of itself? 'In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration’s conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force — because Barack Obama is in the White House.' Good point. There’s never a threat to civil liberties so long as there’s a Democratic President!"

  8. That's really sad . . . but at least they're wearing their bias proudly on their sleeve, rather than trying to pretend something else going on.

  9. Max, if your refering to "Portland's leaders"it's not a bias, but a disease. It's called Headupassidis.
