Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Love Thinking Like This

In 2008, the largest number of voters in American history gave the Democrats their largest share of the presidential vote in 44 years and big majorities in the House and Senate.

How did Republicans react? They held their ideological ground, refused to give an inch to the new president, and insisted that persistent opposition would eventually yield them victory. And on Nov. 2, it did.--E. J. Dionne

Before last week Democrats had such overwhelming majorities that, in moves similar to the passing of the 1993 budget, which was passed without a single Republican vote, Democrats passed a three-quarters-of-a-trillion dollar porkulus package, getting not a single Republican vote in the House and only 3 in the Senate, as well as the much-touted health care reform bill, without a single Republican vote in either chamber. And the problem was Republican intransigence? You liberals passed the bills you wanted, you celebrated them, you taunted and demeaned those who opposed them--and last week, you lost because of them.

The problem, Mr. Dionne and other liberals, is not the Republicans, and neither is it the American people--whose intelligence and greatness you were praising two years ago when they were smart enough to elect your guy to the White House. No, the problem is your ideas. The voting public doesn't like them.

But please, keep on keeping on:

Democrats who stand up to say they were right to reform health care and stimulate a staggering economy are told they "don't get it" and are "in denial." Liberals who refuse to let one election loss alter their commitments are dismissed as "doubling down" on a bad bet.

In early January there will be more Republicans in the House than there were 5 years ago. There's a reason for that. But please, keep encouraging Democrats to flout the expressed will of the people! It's worked wonderfully for you so far. From the president's telling House Republicans "I won" to Nancy Pelosi's walking through a crowd of health-care-bill protesters while carrying an oversized Speaker's gavel, the Democratic supermajority has shown nothing but arrogance. You want them to keep showing that? I support you in your endeavors.

Democrats still control the White House and the Senate. They have skin in the game, unlike the Republicans in the dark days of 2009. Both parties will now have the responsibility to govern, and the Democrats had better learn to listen to Republicans instead of trying to steamroll over them. Why? Because there's an election in another two years.

1 comment:

  1. No one but the true ideologues is arguing the 2010 midterms was about choosing the GOP's platform. Certainly, there is anxiety about the debt and deficit - though many people currently accepting "porkulous" tax breaks and extended unemployment benefits did, in fact, vote against the very candidates who gave them what they wanted. Most pragmatic conservatives and Republicans argue it would be a mistake to believe this was about liking the GOP more.

    That said, I don't have much of a problem with the results. I didn't like the one-party rule, and I did believe the Dems overreached on things like health care. That said, I voted for as many Democrats as I did Republicans.
