Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Democrats Are Clearly Racists

How else to explain this?

Of the 14 black GOP candidates on the ballot last night, only two - Allen West, Florida-22, and Tim Scott, South Carolina-01 - defeated their Democratic opponents.

Perhaps, instead of being racists, they just have some philosophical differences with Republicans. Nah, couldn't be that. Definitely racists.


  1. I think when you title your post "Democrats are clearly racists", you have that same discriminatory mind-set that you are trying to mock.

  2. Clearly I struck a nerve with my mockery. Doesn't feel good to be unjustly called a racist, does it?

  3. Yeah, and so completely unprovoked too. I don't know who's the person checking to see how many black candidates are running successfully, but I know there is no counterpart trying to make a point about how many white people were elected. Evidently, that is what some people look for in a candidate though. We're not quite past that hurdle... or at least as a nation, we aren't.

  4. Oh, don't be so dramatic. You know *exactly* what point I'm making here, and you also know it's good, valid, and unassailable. Sorry, but feigned disappointment isn't going to work here.

  5. Explain the point you are trying to make. Because from what I understand is that although race isn't important in reality, some people portray it as a essential, decision-making, tide-turning factor in politics. I know it shouldn't be, you know it shouldn't be, so when I "feign" disappointment, I am being genuine. It shouldn't matter, but because some people are undeniably racist, it does matter. I'm not saying those elections turned out that way, or were even significantly effected by the fact that the candidates were black. I'm saying, that by grouping people one way, you are doing the same thing, and I'm also saying that race is an issue for some people. I don't know how they rationalize it but its how it is. Race shouldn't be an issue, but it is, as you can obviously see.

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Darren, this is a stupid post.

  7. Don't like it? Work with your fellow travelers on stopping their unjust accusations of racism. Do that, and I'll have nothing to mock.

    Until then, perhaps you'd like to write a much more intelligent post--over on your own blog.

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Wow, that took all the fun out of it...

    It was still very well put though.
