Sunday, November 28, 2010

Better To Ask For Charity Than To Demand The Public Pay For Her Choices

From the Huffington Post, of all places:
Currently, Northeastern alum Kelli Space, 23, is $200,000 in debt because of her student loans. She must pay federal student loan agency Sallie Mae $891 per month -- and by next November, that figure will nearly double. And although she has a full-time job, she doesn't make nearly enough to pay off her massive debt. So she's is turning to the public for help.

Space started a website called Two Hundred Thou, which is devoted to telling her story and asking readers to chip in.

She's already raised 35 cents.


  1. Darren

    I don't know if you've ever listened to Bruce Williams but he did a radio talk show on money issues, personal finance. I'll never forget when a woman called in with a similar issue….”Bruce, I don’t know what to do…I have a full time job, I work 40 hours a week but I just can’t make ends meet and I can’t see getting a new job paying more right now…I don’t know what to do….

    His answer, “Well, if your job doesn’t pay the bills, get a second job…or get overtime on your job. You need more money and If you can’t get a job that pays more, then you have to do more to make more and be disciplined enough not to waste it…”

    Gee, this is so complicated. What’s funny is (assuming one person made the .35 donation) it probably cost more to process the donation that she has raised.

  2. PS: She's raised 6K

    Well there is a sucker born every minute!

  3. She'd raised 35 cents as of the time the HP column was posted. Publicity has done her some favors!

    Still, I have more respect for her doing this than if she asked for her debts to be forgiven. This is up there with Dan's Bake Sale.

  4. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Notice the lack of any mention of what unemployable (useless) major her $200k bought? Any guesses? English, Art, Music, [insert people group] studies

  5. Valid point there.....

  6. PeggyU12:44 PM

    Yes, I would like to know what sort of education set her back that much. Maybe someone should send her a paperclip. I hear some guy started with a paperclip and kept trading up until he got a house. I like that approach.

  7. PeggyU1:03 PM

    Apparently, it was a sociology major. I'd like to know why a bachelor's degree in sociology should cost so much.
