Saturday, October 02, 2010

Worse Than Illegal Fees?

How about extortion?

Investigators say a former vice president and dean at a New York university forced students to cook, clean, wash clothes and chauffeur her family -- and threatened that their scholarships would be revoked if they refused.

An arrest affidavit unsealed by federal prosecutors this week alleges that Cecilia Chang required scholarship students at St. John's University to take out the garbage, shovel snow and cook food at her home in Queens, New York.

"Chang threatened the students and placed them in fear that if they refused to perform these personal services, they would lose their scholarships and be unable to attend St. John's," FBI Special Agent Kenneth F. Hosey said in the affidavit.

At the time, she was a vice president and dean with the authority to award scholarships, the affidavit said.
Saint of a lady, that Cecilia Chang.

1 comment:

  1. People like to do that to college kids. My daughter's hall director used to "ask" students to babysit her daughter. When my daughter said no, her evaluation was marked down and suddenly her stellar reputation didn't exist. That's when my daughter resigned as an RA after getting awards for the previous two years running.
