Saturday, October 23, 2010

Which University's Graduates Make The Most, On Average?

Graduates of Princeton University and Dartmouth College earn salaries 162 percent higher, on average, than graduates of East Texas Baptist University.

Mid-career median salaries for both Princeton and Dartmouth grads are $123,000, according to the job-market report containing these figures. For ETBU grads, it's $47,000. But that still beats Coker College grads, who earn $40,300—putting them at the bottom of this survey. Harvard kids go on to make $121,000, while Brown and Berkeley grads earn $109,000. Who makes the most? Graduates of Harvey Mudd College, the math-science-engineering arm of Southern California's Claremont Colleges, at $126,000 a year.

2010-11 College Salary Report: Top U.S. Colleges - Graduate Salary Statistics. A PayScale Report.

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