Thursday, October 07, 2010

Where I Stand In The Pecking Order

West Point was founded in 1802. The first class had only 2 graduates, and for decades the classes never numbered more than a few dozen. That changed in the 1900's, of course, what with two world wars, a couple of regional wars, and a cold war.

My graduating class, with just over 1000, was the largest class ever up to that date, and has since been passed only a few times.

With all that information as a prelude, I offer up this little tidbit of information found on the Association of Graduates (read, Alumni) web site:

As of the close of business on 10/06/2010, the Mid-Point of the Long Gray Line belongs to COL Terrence J. McKenrick Class of 1985. There are 48,069 living graduates.

The Oldest Living USMA Graduate is COL Thomas J. Wells USA (Retired), Class of 1928. He is 104 years old.

I'm very close to being in the upper half of all living graduates.


  1. Tsk, tsk, young man, attention to detail. The Class of '85 was the largest class to ever enter the Academy and graduated the largest number of 2LT's. A record that stands to this day. '86 only graduated 1006, '85 graduated 1063.

    Neck back, spout the Days while you think about how you just embarrassed your entire Class!

  2. Lo siento. You are correct.
