Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Michelle Rhee Resigns

DC Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee has resigned. DC's mayor, Adrian Fenty, lost his bid for reelection in part because of his staunch support for Rhee's reforms in the district--yet the major-elect "vowed that reforms launched under Michelle A. Rhee would continue when he takes office in January."


  1. She's the best thing that ever happened to D.C. Schools. She needs to go to work for the New Jersey school system.

  2. I know you must be in mourning that your professional crush subject is out of her position...remember, no good deed ever goes unpunished.

  3. She's already got a job in New Jersey.

  4. allen (in Michigan)5:23 AM

    In the public education it's the rare good deed that's recognized.

  5. Exactly, Allan.

    It's rare that the millions of successful stories and diligent, hard work of the whopping majority of teachers and students is not recognized.

    Instead the bottom 30% of most urban and rural school districts become the movie "Waiting for Superman," which indicts the entire public school system ... a system deemed highly satisfying to 75% of parents and 85% of former students.


    Not to diss, Rhee, though. I do admire her and felt she was a positive force for that bottom 30%.

  6. She's already got a job in New Jersey.

    Jersey? Does she speak the language?
