Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's A Good Day For Chile

I'm very pleased they got those miners out. Gawd, what an ordeal.


  1. An excellent thing . . . but, do we really need all this news coverage? I'm happy they're out, but the outcome was never seriously in doubt. People are treating it like it's the second coming of Christ. And, pre-empting my shows.

  2. Max

    Cut the news/networks some slack on this...this was news. As opposed to "Obama interruped his vacation with a conference call ..." mentioned hundreds of times in one day.

  3. It was a harrowing human interest story that turned out as good as it could. Remember, those guys were down there 17 days before they got their first probe from the top. I heard on A&G this morning that they alloted themselves 1/2 spoonful of tuna per day for those 17 days, until they started getting food sent down.

  4. I am happy they were rescued and proud as can be that the American team, with American know how and technology was able to make this come about. Sadly, nobody seems willing to see this for what it is-the good side of the American ideal.
