Thursday, October 21, 2010

Improper Use of Campus Email

Some 6,400 staffers and students at Winston-Salem State University received e-mail exhortations Monday to take advantage of early voting and help the Democratic Party, setting off local Republicans.

After a complaint by Nathan Tabor, the chairman of the Forsyth County GOP, university officials acknowledged that the e-mail — sent from the student-affairs division — was improper.

The university cited a state law that prohibits the use of a state employee’s authority or state property to support or oppose a person or an issue in any election. link

Anyone who doesn't know that that's improper (and in this case, illegal) doesn't need to be working at a university. I'm just saying.


  1. Anonymous5:41 AM

    It was a student who posted the e-mail. The prohibited item was at the bottom of the e-mail. More than twenty e-mails were submitted for distribution that day, during Homecoming Week. I'm just saying.

  2. Anonymous5:43 AM

    And Nathan, bless his heart, as chair of any local party, handles authority in the same manner as an 11-year old with a rifle. They're just as liable to injure themselves as anyone else. I'm just saying.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    There's some talk on the campus of expelling this student. I'm not sure it's a good thing to go that far; otherwise, he's an excellent student and has a promising career.

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Since you're a teacher, you should realize that you need to examine what punishment should be meted out to a student breaking the law like this.

  5. pseudotsuga2:01 PM

    So a faculty member should be out looking for a new job if he/she had done this, since a faculty or staff member should have known better.
    But a student on the other hand may not have known better, and made a BIG mistake.
    I don't think expulsion is warranted, but said student could probably use some additional education, perhaps in the form of fines (to be donated to the Republican Party of the county or city). Justice will be done, and he'll have learned an important lesson, yet be able to go on from there.

  6. If a student sent the message, that student should be fired from his/her job. That's very different from expelling from the university, which I absolutely would not support. This is a "firable" offense, not an "expellable" offense.
