Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Burning Korans At Church

A couple of students asked me today what my opinion was of the upcoming Koran-burning planned at that church in Florida, and I thought my readers here would like to know my thoughts on the subject. I heard a comment on the radio on the way to work this morning that helped encapsulate my views on the topic:

It's not very Christian. It's not very patriotic. It seems like nothing more than hatred. Yes, it's legal for them to burn Korans, but it's not "right"--kinda like building an "Islamic Center" near Ground Zero. And no way should any level of government prevent their doing so, in either situation.


  1. Cynthia6:09 PM

    I teach in a Christian school and told my students the same thing.It serves no good purpose.

  2. Darren

    One question I do have….how the hell did this crap get in the news. Some idiot says he wants to burn Korans and somehow this made national news, etc. Did their church call the networks, etc? it seems like a screwed up publicity stunt

  3. What I'm surprised at is that the supposed pastor has a questionable theology degree from an unaccredited school in CA, and his church's finances titl heavily toward admin costs over funds used to help others (this was in a CNN article, haven't found it in FOX yet :)). Why is this guy given the time of day. He's obviously pulling a pr stunt probably hoping that people send in dollars. I wonder how Hannity and Rush are treating this guy.

  4. I think its a foolish publicity stunt by a very small church. I have to wonder what the pay off is. But here's a fact. When my kids moved into a rent house previously owned by a family from Pakistan, they found torn and destroyed qurans all over the garage. It's rather puzzling.

  5. It seems like a cheap publicity stunt. But then again, I have to wonder how much mainstream Muslims honor the Quran. My kids moved into a rental house owned by a Pakistani man and when they moved in they found damaged and destroyed Qurans in the trashcan in the garage. It seems there's a double standard in play. At the same time, does burning a Quran equate in any way with the burning of Christian churches and murdering of Christians in Indonesia by radical Islamic gangs?
