Friday, August 27, 2010


click to enlarge
I received this in the mail yesterday.

Are ladies' nights at the bars next?


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM


  2. The facility I frequented had a women-only room which appeared to have the same machines in it as the rest of the gym. Lord *knows* what was going on in those women-only facilities!

  3. Lord *knows* what was going on in those women-only facilities!

    Remember Darren, Don't Ask, Don't Tell

  4. Does this mean I can get a membership to work out at "Curves" now? ;)

  5. I was wondering the same thing.

  6. Interesting story:

    While I was scanning the document and writing the post, I was talking to my 14yo son about it. He didn't understand what was wrong with having a place where women could go to be away from men if that's what they wanted. Good libertarian thinking!

    I asked him what he thought of a gym for only white people. "Oh, that would be racist!" I told him this gym issue is the same type of thing, only sexist. Discrimination is discrimination. He said, "But racism is worse." I asked why. "It just is." Damn, the public school brainwashing sneaked in despite my best training!

    We discussed. I told him if they wanted to discriminate, to make their own private club or get their own equipment in their garage. We as a society have determined that we don't want places of business, which are semi-public places, to be able to discriminate against people because of their skin color, sex, religion, etc--that's just not the kind of society that we want. And that's why this ruling is the way it is.

    I hope he'll ponder this.

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Ladies Night has been illegal since the California Supreme Court unanimously said so in 1985. Look up Koire v Metro Car Wash. See also:
