Monday, July 19, 2010

Teacher Lies About A Brain Tumor To Take Time Off

This is almost too painful to report:

Police believe Middletown educator Leslie Herneisey, 51, lied about tumors and cancer for more than a decade so she could skip work.

Herneisey began accruing sick leave by allegedly claiming she had a brain tumor, then asked for eight weeks off while she supposedly underwent chemotherapy for an inoperable form of brain cancer.

Oh yes, the zinger at the end is a classic:

The three-time nominee for Pennsylvania's teacher of the year resigned in May and was arrested last week, charged with 12 felony counts of forgery.

Let's repeat: three-time nominee for Pennsylvania's teacher of the year.


  1. I have worked with people who DID have cancer. And you know what, after the initial surgery, they showed up except for days after chemo. This is really low.

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Well, teaching while you are undergoing chemotherapy would look very impressive indeed, especially if she was a good teacher on the days she was in..

    The nominations are not that surprising really.
