Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sacramento Today

My son and I will be taking a little trip starting next week. Unlike his dear ole dad, son is not much into taking pictures. I think that someday he'll regret not having pictures of his childhood (besides those that dad took), but such arguments fall on deaf teenage ears.

Next week, though, we're going to a pretty exciting place. I got a new pocket camera and gave my son my old one. He doesn't seem as averse to taking pictures on this upcoming trip, but to make sure, today we went downtown so we could "practice" using the camera as well as framing pictures.

I took a couple as well. It was in the low 90s while we were there, and as you can see, the sky couldn't get much bluer.

Here's a little life on the edge of the Sacramento River:
click on the pictures to enlarge

And as I said, the sky couldn't get much bluer:

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