Monday, June 07, 2010

One Too Many Battles For The Battle-ax

Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas makes foul comments about Jews.

Helen Thomas' invitation to address a high school graduation in Bethesda, Maryland, is revoked.

Helen Thomas retires, effective immediately.

Don't let the door hit you in the keister on the way out, Helen. Good riddance.


  1. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, Which old Witch, the Wicked Witch.

    She will not be missed....

  2. I will never forgive that woman for the way she treated Tony Snow. She was awful to him even after the cancer diagnosis was revealed. Awful witch.

  3. Something to add...

    She seems to want to condem Israel right out of the box..

  4. allen (in Michigan)2:32 AM

    Ellen, I remember some of those exchanges and my recollection is that Tony Snow made Helen Thomas look like the mean-spirited, self-involved lefty she actually was and with a deftness that left her sputtering.

  5. I miss Tony. He was pure class.

  6. Great 'exchange' between Stephen Colbert and the Israeli Ambassador (who compored himself exceptionally well -- made a great case for Israel and put up with Colbert's shtick with good humor).

    Colbert (I'm paraphrasing): I just want you to know that even though Helen Thomas is a friend, I repudiate everything she says . . . I mean, go back to Germany and Poland? Israel is a country for Israelis!

    (applause, ambassador starts to thank him)

    Colbert: I mean, if anything, the Palestinians should go back to wherever it was they came from.

    (ambassador actually chuckles)
