Saturday, June 05, 2010

Next School Year

Shortly before school got out yesterday, our principal sent an email to the staff: two of our three vice principals will be going to other schools next year, and two others will be coming to our school. One of our newbies worked for a year at our school two years ago, and is the only person I've ever even heard of who was consistently cheered at faculty meetings.

Additionally, we now know, barring any changes over the summer, our schedules for next year. I'm probably 80% happy with mine, and that's not bad. Our current statistics teacher is retiring so I'll be teaching a couple sections of stats; I'm looking forward to teaching something new.

It has the possibility to be a very good year for me. Here's to hoping!


  1. Any major plans for the summer?

  2. We have four more days. I swear we have a longer school year, starting in late August and extending into mid June, than almost any public school district in the nation. As for scheduling, we thought we knew our schedules, but now it's all up in the air. It is likely I will not know which classes I am teaching until late July. The problem is an administrative struggle. Instead of staffing the ninth grade center with new positions, they sought to simply move people there. The problem is that our dept. has grown. We were faced with sacrificing the AP program I have worked to build in order to have seven section of entry level classes. So I made the class size larger to have fewer sections. Now it seems that "someone" in administration doesn't like 32 kids in a class. But given that the only alternatives for kids will be PE or ROTC thanks to the new austerity brought about by lower tax revenues, I don't see this as going well. We'll see. Have a good summer.

  3. Gotta love teaching Stats! I'm halfway home teaching STAP Probability & Statistics to the cadets here at West Point.
