Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jock U

I, along with hundreds of other people around the state, received an email at my school account from ASU. No, it's not the Pac-10 school, but American Sports University in lovely San Bernardino, CA.

All degrees offered are Bachelor of Science in Sports Education with the following concentrations available:
  • Sports Management, Marketing, and Recreation Management
  • Sports Coaching, Fitness, and Health
  • Sports Journalism and Broadcasting
  • Golf Management
I wonder if the students there receive a well-rounded liberal arts education. The school is not accredited by WASC (not that I have any love for WASC), and I cannot find any accreditation listed.

I have to say, it looks kinda shady to me.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "The school is not accredited by WASC (not that I have any love for WASC)..."

    I cannot resist.

    I'll point out that *your* alma mater isn't accredited by WASC either :-) [mine is, by the way!]

    Does your alma mater look "kinda shady", also?? :-) :-)

    -Mark Roulo

  2. Mine isn't accredited by WASC because it's not in the WEST (that's what that big W stands for) :)

    It is, however, accredited:

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "Mine isn't accredited by WASC because it's not in the WEST (that's what that big W stands for) :)"

    The *name* of your alma mater strongly suggests that it should be accredited by some organization in charge of "west" schools. Your explanation sounds like an excuse :-)

    -Mark Roulo

  4. United States Military Academy? How do you get "west" out of that? :)

  5. To back up my good friend and fellow Army officer, his alma mater was sometimes know to us non USMA grad u me wits as "Ringknocker U", "Hudson High" and "Worst Point" but we knew the proper title is the USMA West Point NY.....New York....about as non-west as u can get

  6. MikeAT, the proper title is the United States Military Academy. It is located at West Point, New York. West Point is the location, not officially part of the name.

    I type this as I knock my ring on the table to get your attention. ;^)
