Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I May Live

There are no guarantees, but 31 hours after being floored by either food poisoning or some type of stomach flu, I'm beginning to have hopes that I'll see the end of this. There's been moderate improvement in my condition.

I'm not dead yet! (although whatever it is has made a valiant effort)


  1. I B Hussein Obama is coming to support's been good knowing you man! :)

  2. Poor thing! It's times like that when I wish I had my mommy...but she's usually too busy to come over! ;)

    I hope you make a full recovery soon!

  3. I had something possibly similar to this on Sunday. I was violently ill for 6 hours, then pretty awful for another 6, and mediocre for about 6 more. The next day though I was essentially fully recovered. I hadn't eaten anything noteworthy and essentially exactly the same things that multiple other people ate, so I have no explanation other than some sort of virus. From what I've heard there is a short duration stomach flu traveling around so you might have been one of the lucky few it's found.

  4. Rest, fluids and more rest.
    Take it slowly when you get back to eating. Avoid heavy meals for a few days, start with soup.
    You will back to fighting trim in no time.

  5. Ronnie, it must be nice to be young and healthy :) I'm coming up on 48 hrs here....

  6. EllenK, I tried to follow your advice, I really did. The rest part is easy, and I was going to make some soup, but then I saw that can of corned beef hash in the cupboard.

    Tastes so good. I haven't eaten much in the last couple days.
