Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hi, Arne!

Yesterday on my travels around the Mall I stopped in at the Air and Space Museum. I'm sure this will come as a tremendous surprise to my readers, since I never go to the A&S! (Yes, folks, that's sarcasm.) I just feel at home there. I mean, really, can anyone ever have too many pictures of a DC-3?

I did something new at the A&S, though--I walked out the back door instead of the front. And what did I see, just across the street?

(If I can ever get the picture of the US Dept of Education building to load, I'll insert it here)

Update, 6/17/10:


  1. [(If I can ever get the picture of the US Dept of Education building to load, I'll insert it here)]
    I'd rather see pictures of the aircraft.

  2. socalmike1:30 PM

    I read that Sharon Angle, the woman running against Harry Reid in Nevada, wants to dissolve the Dept of Ed and turn over schools to the locals. I'd vote for that.
