Sunday, May 16, 2010

You Shoot Your Mouth Off, Sometimes You Get Slapped

No, I'm not talking about the kid who got slapped around by his teacher. I'm talking about the City of San Diego:

San Diego tourism leaders and hoteliers fear they could lose a sizable chunk of business this summer from valued “Zonies” who are so angered by elected leaders’ recent censure of Arizona for its illegal-immigration law that they’re mounting an informal boycott of their own.

The San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau and several hotels report receiving e-mails and letters from Arizona visitors saying they intend to change their plans to travel here in light of local outcry over their home state’s anti-illegal-immigration stance.

Really? People might get offended when you call them a bunch of immoral, racist hicks? Who'd'a thunk?

Although the summer months typically are an economic bonanza for the San Diego visitor industry, the recession and continued high unemployment have eaten away at lodging revenue as hotels have steeply discounted rates to fill their rooms. The Convention & Visitors Bureau spent $9 million last year promoting the region for the spring and summer months and is dedicating $7 million toward that effort this year.

“I’ve been approached by a number of hotels who are very concerned because they’ve received cancellations from Arizona guests,” said Namara Mercer, executive director of the county Hotel-Motel Association. “It’s a huge piece of business for not just the hotels but for all of San Diego. Everybody’s excited because they think occupancies will be stronger this summer, and now this.”

I hope it hurts, San Diego. I really do. Especially when people this stupid get elected:

School board President Shelia Jackson said that while she was disappointed to hear of people opting to stay away from San Diego, she doesn’t regret her vote.

“It’s sad that people would cancel their plans to come here in reaction to that, but I still think we did the right thing,” Jackson said. “Certainly, we know how important tourism is to San Diego, and it wasn’t my intent to impact the tourism trade.”

So, she wants to attack them and call them names, but still wants them to come spend money in San Diego? Really?

A couple years ago California passed Proposition 8, which states that California will recognize only heterosexual marriage (domestic partnership laws were not affected). Perhaps the liberal elite in other states should boycott the backwards, fundamentalist hick state of California? What do you think of that, San Francisco and Los Angeles? Both of those cities have gone further than San Diego in attacking Arizona.

Cities should manage their own affairs. But with "nuclear free zones" and "sanctuary cities" and prohibiting official travel to other cities/states, we see examples of people using the official power of government to further their own liberal ideals. And it has to stop.

I hope it hurts, San Diego--because that seems to be the only thing that liberals understand.


  1. As I keep telling my students, sometimes actions result in consequences. As for me, I wasn't planning on vacationing this summer, but you know, I bet a nice trip to the Grand Canyon and a few days at an ARIZONA spa are just the ticket. Plus now my husband and his friend are checking Arizona Ebay and Craigslist sites first for purchases. Sorry Cali.

  2. Ellen K

    In case you don't know what the "Iron Butt" is, it's a certification that you have ridden you motorcycle 1000 miles in 24 hours. I'm training on that with my Harley. I just figured out that from my house to Ft Huachuca AZ is just at 1025 miles.

    I think I will give AZ my money this fall...after arriving I will need to stay a few days, check out the Grand Canyon again....

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The troublemaker in me wants to see committed California liberals call for a boycott on homophobic California. It is only fair ... such a boycott would be called for if any other state had passed prop 8 :-)

    -Mark Roulo

  4. The troublemaker in me would like to see California liberals committed. ^_^

  5. I can fix this . . . let's raise taxes to bail out San Diego ...

  6. Darren

    Update on the boycott on Arizona.

    From FOX NEWS this morning, California gets one third of its electricity from Arizona. Must really piss off the liberals a good hunk of it’s from nuclear power. And Arizona houses over 4000 prisoners from California under a contract between the two states.

    I wonder if the libs in Sacramento will be so enthused about cutting off Arizona when they are in the dark (literally) and have the “boyz in the hood” back!
