Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Lefties used to enjoy making fun of President Bush's verbal gaffes, but the gnarled syntax and such indicated a lack of polished speaking ability as opposed to a lack of knowledge, which is what the current vice president displays.

Really, the capital of the free world is Brussels? When something bad happens, does the world really look to Brussels for leadership?


  1. What, you don't remember when Brussels airlifted goods to London during the Battle of Britain? Or when Brussel's military broke the back of the Axis Power? Or when a president from Brussels set in motion the action that tore down the Iron Curtain? Of course you don't. Those things never happened. It took Americans risking their lives to do that. But don't bother liberals with the facts....it just upsets them

  2. Smart people can speak clearly. Or at least be able to read something written for them. Or use words correctly. Regardless of whether or not I liked his policies, I was embarrassed for my country every time he opened his mouth . . .

  3. allen (in Michigan)2:27 AM

    It's Joe Biden. Even Joe Biden doesn't listen to what he has to say.

    Makes taking himself seriously more difficult but ol' Joes up to the challenge.

  4. I'd like to live in a country where we elected people who understood economics, and the Constitution, and only tried to enact policies that made the population at large better off. But, since I don't live in that country, I'm willing to settle for someone who can string words together to form a coherent sentence. Obama can do that. Virtually every time Bush spoke, he was an international laughingstock. So . . . more proud isn't quite right, but less embarrassed is.

  5. Max, you're willing to settle for someone who talks pretty? Your standards are low, indeed.

    For his malapropisms, President Bush did some important things correctly. The only positive political thing I can come up with for the current president is his Afghanistan surge.

  6. Indeed they are. I'll give Bush credit for helping to prevent a post 9/11 recession with a well placed tax break and some good leadership . . .but that's the end of the good list, for me. The President has so little REAL power -- the figurehead aspect is actually important.

  7. Besides talking pretty when he has a teleprompter, when does the current one even do the figurehead aspect well?

  8. That IS the figurehead aspect. My cynicism knpws no bounds.

  9. OK, he talks pretty. No one who's not a diehard liberal thinks he's worth a damn as a president. Heck, even Assad in Syria doesn't can't him seriously.

  10. Two great philosophical questions.

    Is it more important to be liked or respected? Answer, respected.

    Is it more important to be respected or feared? Answer, feared.

    The usual suspects respected and in some cases feared George Bush. During the Iraq War Kim Chung Ill went into hiding because he was afraid he was next. After the war Gaddafi gave up his nuke program.
    Now the man-child Obama…I would say people are laughing behind his back but they are laughing at him to his face. What a disgrace.

  11. Oh, how can we forget....Darren, did B Hussein Obama bring little Joe Biden on a tour of the 58 states?

  12. I believe he did . . . I think they began on October 7 -- Pearl Harbor Day, as Bush would let you know.

  13. Darren

    On this Memorial Day how can we forget Memorial Day 2008 in Las Cruces, New Mexico

    “On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes–and I see many of them in the audience here today…”

    Yes, he sees dead people....

  14. OK max I give...what are you talking about?

  15. well . . .it was my recollection that early in his presidency, bush referred to October 7th as being Pearl Harbor Day . . .but I just tried to search for verification, and I haven't been able to find it. I think this is because he didn't connect the two, but it could also be because I'm wrong. If I find it, I will post it.

  16. Found it, sort of. It was Pops Bush, not W; it was September 7th, not October. But, at least I wasn't totally imagining things. Speech to the American Legion, September 7, 1988 . . . I'm having problems getting the link to post, but you can search it.

  17. "Found it, sort of. It was Pops Bush, not W; it was September 7th, not October. But, at least I wasn't totally imagining things. Speech to the American Legion, September 7, 1988 . . . I'm having problems getting the link to post, but you can search it."

    max, I won’t argue with you if HW Bush said that. If someone put the wrong month in a date that is one thing…if Obama was asked about his schedule and he said “When we get to New York tomorrow” and he was actually going to Los Angles I would say that that is no big deal. At his level a man loses a lot of control of his schedule and he may not be excused for a mistake like that.

    Having said that, I think a fact of fifty states in this country is an elementary school truth that he should be able to recall even if he is tired. Or Joe “Assassination Insurance” Biden asking a man who is paralyzed to stand up. Or when Joe said after the stock market crash of 1929 people would watch President Roosevelt on the TV…forgetting the minor fact that TVs we’re not invented until the 1940s and Roosevelt would not be president for another three years. They are idiots.

  18. "he may not be excused for a mistake like that."

    OK max, I shot myself on that one...typo...I should say "he may be excused for a mistake like that."

    Obama and Biden are still idiots..
