Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stupid Choices

"Progressivism is the belief that we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices." link


  1. "Your freedom ends where mine begins." Some progressive positions argue that my freedom is closer to you than you think it is. I think any reasonable person could see that this is going to occur and should be regulated through our democratic process. I personally like public education, child labor laws, and national parks, but then I guess I haven't forgotten what "progressivism" means.

  2. Evidently, one of those stupid choices was presidential.

  3. allen (in Michigan)4:54 AM

    Sorry Ronnie, the article's a more honest appraisal of the realities of lefty politics then the appraisals offered by lefties or to use your inherently self-congratulatory word, progressives.

    I personally don't like the public education system, am beginning to wonder at the value of child labor laws and know that the national parks system is a catastrophe with the few, relatively well-maintained gems being neatly offset by the parks that are simply a means to funnel federal money into the districts of powerful legislators.

  4. I think any reasonable person could see that this is going to occur and should be regulated through our democratic process.

    Apparently Janis Joplin had it all wrong. According to Ronnie, Freedom is just another word for being told what to do.

  5. Freedom is just another word for society through some democratic process determining what individuals and groups of individuals can and can't do to other members of society. If you want anarchy be my guest, but that isn't freedom.

  6. Freedom is not determined by other people. Freedom is determined by the individual. Freedom is making your own decisons and determining your own destiny, not having it dictated to you.
