Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spending Taxpayer Money To Brainwash Taxpayers

When I read this post over at Instapundit, my first thought was, "I'll bet Radley Balko wrote this." Glenn is away and has guest writers this week, Radley being one of them, and the tone just sounded like his. Then I checked the byline--can I call 'em or what?

So, what's the topic?

The EPA is holding a video contest in which you, taxpayer, are invited to produce a piece of propaganda touting the glory of regulation. The winner gets $2,500 taxpayer dollars. It takes a peculiarly bureaucratic sort of mendacity to dream up the idea of using taxpayer money to promote a contest in which taxpayers are asked to make videos celebrating the way their tax dollars are being used to make their lives more expensive.

1 comment:

  1. The video linked on the site was awesome. Should be the hands-down winner.
