Friday, May 28, 2010

Should I Be Worried?

From my stat counter I see that someone in the local Office of Homeland Security is checking out my blog. Has being a Tea Party supporter and political opponent of the president tagged me as a potential terrorist?
click to enlarge

I'm certainly attracting someone's attention:

Ah, the life of a dissident! :-)


  1. Be worried only if you're paranoid. It's just that post 9/11 world that I keep hearing about from the GOP. If you've got nothing to hide there should be nothing wrong with people listening to your calls or stopping you on the street and asking for identification.

  2. Yes, it's only the Republicans who want to take away the rights of American citizens.

    BTW, did President Bush ever specifically target Americans? The current president has. Not that I object in the specific case, of course, but let's recognize that this guy is willing to go much further than President Bush ever dreamed when dealing with people who oppose him--foreign *or* domestic.

  3. What, I’m not on B Hussein Obama’s list….I got work to do man!

    BTY, wasn’t it Republicans who started the Echelon Program to monitor phone conversations without warrants…oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.

  4. Now, Mike, let's stay away from those pesky facts! They're insensitive, and identify you as a racist--or something.

  5. Maybe the Governator is looking for talking points. Or ideas. At the very least you have an audience. I would use it to full effect. Link us all in. The more the merrier.

  6. Wow. I only got the Department of Justice on mine once. You get the big guns! :)

  7. Or perhaps it is just a bored bureaucrat who spends most of his time (and our money) browsing the internet.

  8. 2L2T can explain it all to you Darren.

  9. Oh crap, not the shape-shifting lizards again!
