Sunday, May 23, 2010

Latest Education Fad, Or The Wave Of The Future?

A landmark Colorado law that ties teacher evaluations to the progress of their students on achievement tests could help build momentum for a national movement that seeks to overhaul how instructors' tenure and pay is earned, education leaders say.

So says the LA Times.


  1. allen (in Michigan)1:54 PM

    If all the professionals don't have a vested interest in making sure kids get a good education then making education the sole responsibility of a subset of those professionals is irresponsible and will end being counterproductive.

  2. I have said it before, that if you can't tie the test results to the students, then this is a flawed approach.

    If this happens, I would seriously consider giving all of my students incompletes until the test scores come back.

    Another thing, how about the 60% plus teachers that don't even have a standardized test? How are they evaluated?

    Why did I get into math?

  3. I think the "incompletes" are a great idea and something I have been thinking about lately.

    It is true that the biggest flaw in the testing apparatus is that it has little bearing on students.

    At my school we have enacted all sorts of incentives to make the test matter for students, which has helped.

    But why not just make it the students' final exam. Do they really NEED their grade in June. Couldn't we finalize grades in August when the scores come back?

    The June grades could be another progress report for subjects where there is a test.

    Please point out any problems with this idea because I am contemplating bringing it up seriously at school and I want to know the problems with the idea ahead of time :).

  4. Here's my commentary published in the Post prior to the passage of this law. The debate was long and quite intense.
