Thursday, May 20, 2010

70's Music

Here are two songs from the 1970's. Enjoy.

(The Eagles, Take It Easy)

(Jackson Browne, Running On Empty)

There sure was some good music back then.


  1. Many moons ago The Eagles were coming to New Orleans on the Hell Freezes Over Tour and I was flat broke.

    I told my brother Bobby "I don't care if I have to beat up an old woman for her Social Security check I'm going to that concert..."

    To my great pleasure they started with Hotel California...needless to say the crowd went nuts.

    After that one song I told Bobby "I can die happy now...I heard Hotel California live!"

    Best concert I have been to in my life..

  2. When I saw Tom Petty in '81 he opened with American Girl. I had to leave the Chicago concert at West Point after an hour but heard only #1 hits the whole time; they opened with Twenty-five Or Six To Four. I was 7th row center for Heart in '87. I was pretty drunk for the Phil Collins concert I saw at Shoreline Amphitheater, but have great memories of the REM concert I saw there.

    About the only concert I ever went to but didn't enjoy was Cheap Trick. Three songs in they played I Want You To Want Me, and then I left. No, it was not at Budokan.

  3. Saw Bob Seger a few years ago and that was awesome...only bad thing about someone like him...or the Eagles...or the always miss something. They can go six hours and not repeat a great song. I don't know if they can do it without being exhausted, but that's the only problem.
