Sunday, April 11, 2010

West Point On Top Of The Boxing World

Five West Point boxers win titles, and the team is the national champ. Boxing was, and still is, a required freshman PE class for all male cadets.


  1. I had a 1-2-1 record. That class sucked, especially when you are the smallest of the 'heavy-weight' section. I had to box a starting football offensive lineman.

  2. I had boxing right before Christmas break. Before each bout I'd say a small prayer: Lord, please don't let me get a black eye or a broken nose so soon before going home. Thankfully, I got neither!

  3. Carson7:54 PM

    I love boxing. It might be the greatest class at the academy.

    I was at the National Championship and it was awesome. It was in Ike hall and all the cadets were chanting ARMY every time one of us got in the ring. An old grad tried to buy me a beer; refusing him was tough. I also know one of the boxers who won the national championship, I eat lunch next to him every day.

  4. Carson, the football offensive linesman I mentioned loved boxing too. It padded his PE grade since he didn't fair so well in gymnastics. I found the folks that won most their bouts generally liked boxing. We who they beat on didn't care for it as much.
