Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trading The Bomb For The Lectern

Why not blast the doors open with a homemade bomb? That's what 60s radical William Ayers really wants to do anyway:

Bill Ayers and a University of Wyoming student are suing the school after it banned the former 1960s radical from speaking on campus.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in banning too many speakers. I just get mildly entertained when a guy like Ayers goes rushing to the very government he used to try to plant bombs against.


  1. Gee...I wonder how Billy Ayers reacted when people protested Ann Coulter....was he upset about abuse of those rights of free expression....

  2. Don't you remember when the Clintons gushed about how "now this is our army" in regards to the military? I shudder to think that now Hilary seems a reasonable alternative to what we have now.
