Friday, April 09, 2010

Rumor Confirmed?

I've heard tell that there's at least one teacher at our school who spends, uh, let's just say "an inordinate amount of time" doing Facebook, Twitter, and texting during class time. Yesterday at our staff meeting our principal told us all: there is to be no Facebook, Twitter, or texting during class time.

Perhaps the rumor was true.


  1. Sounds like your district Computer Techies need to put up a filter or firewall blocking those sites. My school district has blocks on anything that would be considered "Entertainment", "Online Communities" and even "Rated-R".

  2. They don't object to going to non-R-rated sites when class is not in session. I think they're trying to be "least restrictive".

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Ironic. My students are working on a piece of writing at this moment.


  4. Maybe the rumour is NOT true and this is their twisted way of quashing it. :)

  5. Our district blocks Facebook, MySpace, all radio websites and many blogsites. This is a problem when I need for students to access college level research for art history. But what is really odd is that they want us to "use technology" for everything, but then limit our ability to use it. Go figure.

  6. Our district has a tough as nails firewall. Everything is blocked it seems. Teachers have the same access to sites as students...that's fair I know.

    We can't stream any videos, access any networking sites, or blogger. A teacher was looking up something for his AP government class and it was blocked. It was a seal for the senate I believe. Heck joanne jacob's site is blocked because it is a personal site.

  7. I prefer the "least restrictive" tack my district has taken. It's more in line with treating me with respect, and counting on my professionalism.
